
Privacy Policy

This Privacy Policy applies to Badilipicks and any of its affiliated websites, applications and other digital services in connection with which this Privacy Policy is linked or posted (collectively, “Services”).

This Privacy Policy explains how Badilipicks collects and uses data and information that may identify or can be directly associated with an individual person (“Personal Information”). Badilipicks respects your right to privacy. Your ability to make informed choices about the uses of your information is important to us. This Privacy Policy explains Badilipicks’s policy regarding the collection, use, disclosure and protection of any information we receive including your Personal Information (if any).

Badilipicks provides physical goods, that can be distributed and offered on the website badilipicks.com.

Information Badilipicks Collects from Users

Badilipicks uses services to collect information regarding Users’ activities and operations that interact with the website badilipicks.com. Such information might include IP-address, Session ID, browser type, mobile or desktop ID, referrer, phone numbers, emails, addresses, names, order details, method of payment, feedback or answers provided by the User to any interactive content unit made available with the website. Such information may qualify as Personal Information in some Users’ jurisdictions, however, we do not make any use of such data to directly identify individuals or to associate it with individuals.

We may collect Personal Data when you interact with Badilipicks, such as when you:

How Badilipicks Protects Information

Badilipicks follows applicable laws and generally accepted industry standards to protect the Personal Information submitted to Badilipicks by implementing adequate technical and organizational protection measures, both during transmission and once Badilipicks receives it. These measures will be continuously adjusted and updated in accordance with current industry standards. No method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage, is 100% secure, however. Therefore, while Badilipicks strives to use commercially acceptable means to protect Personal Information, Badilipicks cannot guarantee its absolute security.

How Badilipicks Uses Information

Badilipicks will not share your Personal Data with third party controllers (i.e. third parties that use the Personal Data for their own purposes). Badilipicks will only disclose Personal Information as described in this Privacy Policy or where required by law, regulation, subpoena or court order; we will only process, use or share User’s Personal Information with third parties with User’s explicit permission. Badilipicks uses Personal Information to the extent necessary for internal purposes – for example, in connection with offering the Services, to provide Users with advertising that Badilipicks reasonably believes may be useful or interesting to the User. In addition, by analyzing all information Badilipicks receives, including all information concerning Users and their interaction with the website badilipicks.com, Badilipicks may irreversibly compile aggregated statistical information. Statistical Information helps understand trends and customer needs so that new products and services can be considered and so existing products and services can be improved and tailored to customer desires. Statistical Information is anonymous and does not, in and of itself, identify any specific end user or customer of Badilipicks. Badilipicks may share such Statistical Information with its partners or any third party, without restriction, on commercial terms that Badilipicks can determine in its sole discretion.

Personal Information is not transferred or disclosed to third parties other than as set forth in this Privacy Policy.


If User does not wish its Personal Information to be collected, processed or shared for the above purposes, he may opt out from this use with effect for the future. For opting out, the End User can do so by sending an email to support@badilipicks.com (we do encourage you to reach out via email which is checked more often).


A cookie is a small piece of text that is sent to the User’s browser and stored on his computer or mobile device. All cookies used by Badilipicks are persistent cookies, i.e. they will be stored on the User’s device after the browser session has expired. Any cookie will be deleted within one month after it has been placed unless configured otherwise. Most Web browsers are initially configured to accept cookies, but the User can change this setting so his browser either refuses all cookies or informs him when a cookie is being sent. Also, the User is free to delete any existing cookies at any time with future effect. Some features of Badilipicks’s Services may not function properly when cookies are disabled or removed.

Cookies placed on Users’ computers:

Cookies placed on an User’s computer will transmit the User’s Personal Information as specified above to Badilipicks for the purposes also specified above.

Marketing Communications

We may send you email or other messages about us or our products and services. By the Privacy Policy or using the Services, you affirmatively consent to receive such commercial messages. You can ask to have your Personal Information removed from our mailing list and stop receiving future communication from us by following the unsubscribe link located at the bottom of each communication or by emailing us at support@badilipicks.com. You will also be given the opportunity to unsubscribe from commercial messages in any such email or other message we send. Please note that we reserve the right to send you service related communications, including service announcements and administrative messages, relating either to your account or to your transactions using the Services without offering you the opportunity to opt out of receiving them unless you cancel your account.

User’s Rights

User may at any time request information from Badilipicks regarding his Personal Information stored at Badilipicks, its origin, recipients or categories of recipients the data has been transferred to and the purpose of storage.

Upon written request by User Badilipicks will make all commercially reasonable efforts to delete any information provided to it, unless required otherwise for further execution of an agreement with a Customer or required by applicable laws. Badilipicks cannot restore information that it has deleted.

For executing any of these rights User may contact Badilipicks by sending an email to support@badilipicks.com and we do encourage you to reach out via email which is checked more often.


Badilipicks may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We reserve the right to modify this policy. If required under applicable law, we will provide you with written notice of our changes. We will not make changes that have a material retroactive effect unless we are legally required to do so. Your continued use of the Services constitutes your acceptance of the amended policy. The amended policy supersede all previous versions, notices or statements of or about the policy.

Comments and Questions / Contact Information

If you have any comments or questions about our privacy policy, please contact us at  support@badilipicks.com.


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